Fast, Accurate, and Secure Email Verification

Reach your readership with confidence, while saving time, money, and even your sender reputation. With Marketing Manager’s Clean Your Lists email verification software, your audience stays connected to every marketing message.

Sign Up Now, and Get Your First 1,500 Email Verifications for Free!

Increase Deliverability With The Readers and Prospects You Value

Your high-quality leads are vital to your success, and our industry-high 98% accuracy increases your deliverability to boost your conversions.

What Makes Our Email Verification Software The Absolute Best?

There are solid opportunities and high-quality leads in every audience. And bulk email verification and email list cleaning is the surest way to ensure the best rise straight to the top for your utmost attention.



Happiest Customers


Accurate AI-powered Engine


Industries Used

10 M

Emails Cleaned

Optimize Your Email Marketing With Email Validation Focused On ROI

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Boost Open Rates & Conversions

Sending marketing emails to invalid, mistyped, or improperly formatted email addresses can ruin entire campaigns and harm your sender reputation. Upload your email list and each address is scanned for proper formatting, valid inboxes and email providers, and more.

Boost Your Profits

The goal of every campaign is to connect with your target audience. It’s easier to reach the right people with a clean and accurate email list.

Avoid spam complaints and phishing scams

Decrease hard bounces

Increase deliverability rates with 99% accuracy

Detect GDPR IP addresses

Marketing Manager’s Clean Your Lists offers 1,500 free credits

Drag the slider to pick the right plan for you. The more verifications you need, the better the discount we offer. We also don’t charge for unknowns or duplicate addresses.